2024 Events

Our upcoming club meeting themes are as follows:

Wednesday 13 March 7.30pm: Windswept and Slanting Style

Wednesday 10 April 7.30pm: to be confirmed

Wednesday 8 May 7.30pm: to be confirmed

Wednesday 12 June 7.30pm: Styling Challenge

Wednesday 10 July 7.30pm: Natives

Wednesday 14 August 7.30pm: Forest Plantings

Monday 9 September 7.00pm: CBS visit Avon, Botanic Gardens Kiosk, 7pm; Tanuki

Wednesday 9 October 7.30pm: Shohin

Wednesday 13 November 7.30pm: Bonsai Aesthetics

The New Zealand National Bonsai Convention is being held in Auckland on 15 and 16 June 2024.